10 Ways to Increase the Revenue of Your WooCommerce Store

10 Ways to Increase the Revenue of Your WooCommerce Store

Building an online store can take a lot of time and effort and be a rewarding experience in this day and age. The worldwide web offers you plenty of marketing tools and extensions to build your store and increase sales and revenue successfully.

Planning a marketing strategy can be difficult. Keeping this in mind, we’ve compiled a list of valuable tips for increasing sales and, as a result, revenue on your WooCommerce store. Here are 10 ways to achieve said goals.

1. Offer Free Shipping

WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping

This technique is the first with a reason, and it is the most tried and true one. Let us put it, free shipping increases the chances of sale and stimulates the purchase. You can make this a limited-time offer or make it available to all orders.

Either way, you will have to find a way to be on top and manage these shipping tariffs. Check out the WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping tool by Jem Products which offers you multiple features related to setting up taxes based on various factors of your choosing.

2. Be on Top of Your Orders

WooCommerce Order Export

Taking care of your orders as fast as possible and shipping them to your customers will create a positive customer experience.

Furthermore, doing so will enable you to generate more sales and revenue. WooCommerce Order Export plugin will give you the power over your orders by allowing you to filter, sort, and export your orders very quickly. You can even have scheduled exports sent to your email inbox.

3. Provide Discounts and Coupons

One of the best ways of driving your sales is discounts and coupons. You can offer percentage discounts, bulk discounts, or provide coupons through popups on your store. Coupons allow you to target specific products to attract new customers or reactivate existing ones. In this case, both you and the customer are benefiting.

4. Flash Sales

Flash sales are easy to bring traffic to your store and increase sales. Playing on the urgency card by limiting the sale duration will entice customers to buy the product. Just make sure you are not overdoing this because it can have the opposite effect.

5. Gift Cards

gift cards

Right now, selling gift cards is very popular. This is a popular option for those looking for the ideal gift. Gift cards are becoming increasingly popular, and employing this strategy will only increase your profits.

There is no extra effort needed except setting up redeemable gift cards available through many plugins for WooCommerce.

6. Abandoned Carts Emails

The main goal of this technique is to convert a leaving visitor to a customer. Sending emails with information about abandoned carts can be viewed as a sales recovery campaign.

You can combine this with a discount offer to attract more customers from abandoned carts. Again, there are no extra or overhead costs for you as a store owner, but they can bring you a new customer if well-thought-out.

7. Personalized Newsletters

To bring more traffic and sales to your store, sending personalized newsletters based on previous customer purchases can be very helpful. Keep in mind both design and content of the newsletter, the ultimate key being presenting perfect offers that drive visits.

8. Loyalty Points for Purchase


Start a loyalty program and reward repeat customers with loyalty points. Later on, they can redeem those points for discounts, or exclusive deals is a great way to boost sales. Aside from keeping existing customers, this will attract new ones also. Make sure to create a marketing campaign that goes with this program.

9. Leverage Commercial Holidays

Dates around commercial holidays are seeing massive sales activity, so feel free to create special offers around any commercial holiday date. These dates are mainly around the last quarter of the year, so be aware of that.

10. Offer Gifts for Shopping More

Giving gifts to customers after purchase gives a powerful incentive to continue shopping. This method has been shown to increase the average cart value. Aside from that, gifts are always an excellent way to promote yourself. You can also combine this technique with flash sales.


The majority of the methods mentioned above are simple to put into action. When it comes to increasing sales and revenue in your store, these methods almost guarantee success and boost your store.

However, keep in mind that you will need to fine-tune them to fit your store and customer base. Be sure there are plenty of opportunities to grow your store, even though the market space is pretty crowded.

All being said, keep in mind that strategies and demand change quite frequently, so make sure to be on top of it and modify your plan if needed.

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