What Are SEO Goals? How To Choose the Right Goals?

What Are SEO Goals? How To Choose the Right Goals?

Did you know that there are over 1 billion websites on the internet? If you are thinking to yourself, “what are SEO goals I should have for my business” we are here to help. We have created this SEO goals guide to share goals you want to target when choosing SEO goals.

Read on to learn more.

Lead Generation

One major goal for SEO is to bring new leads to your business. As you start looking into gathering more leads, you want to keep a close eye on your conversion rate optimization (CRO). Implementing A/B testing will make it easier for you to determine who is converting and quickly make tweaks to increase your conversion rates.

Increase Traffic

LaptopAnother SEO goal is to bring more people to your website. Take the time to conduct keyword research and ensure you include topics of interest to your target audience.

On a search engine like Google, type in a question you think your target audience might be asking and take note of what auto-populates as you are typing. Use the information from what auto-populates to create content and take the time to make your articles helpful where visitors want to stay on your site longer.

When people click on your page and quickly leave, this affects your bounce rate, and that ends up affecting your SEO ranking.

Strengthen Domain Authority

Another major SEO goal is to increase the strength of your domain. If the search engine sees your website as an authority figure on the internet, it will prioritize your site when giving people results on a search engine inquiry.

This is where helpful content will come in handy. The longer visitors stay on your site, share, and interact with your content, the higher your chances are for your domain authority to increase. Being strategic with your content will help your domain authority, like adding video marketing for SEO because more people are drawn to watching videos.

Also, take a look at the links you have on your posts. If you notice any low authority website links, it is best to remove them to help strengthen your domain authority.

Increase Page Speed

Woman with a tabletThis is a technical SEO goal, but important to keep visitors from leaving your site. There are a few tools you can use that will review your site and give you suggestions on increasing your website speed.

Because this is a more technical feature to deal with, we recommend leaving this to your website designers or developers to ensure that you don’t miss anything else on your site that can affect your SEO.

Now You Know What SEO Goals Are

Instead of wondering what SEO goals are, you can now pick and choose SEO goals to help your business stand out against the competition.

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