Many companies, choosing a mobile platform for creating business applications, prefer Android. Why does this happen? Android devices account for 85% of the global mobile …
The Future of Android App Development in 2021

All Things Flutter and Fuchsia
Many companies, choosing a mobile platform for creating business applications, prefer Android. Why does this happen? Android devices account for 85% of the global mobile …
Despite the fact that Google has two popular operating systems — Android and Chrome OS, it has taken up the development of a third — …
Flutter is an open-source UI SDK (software development kit) created by Google to helps those who want to build quick and modern applications for a …
JetBrains has released an alpha version of the framework for deep learning of neural networks on Kotlin. KotlinDL provides simple APIs for describing and training …
Microsoft has long been working on implementing support for Android apps in its Windows 10 operating system. As part of this activity, the “My Phone” …
On Thursday, February 18, the Internet giant Google unexpectedly released a preliminary version of its new mobile operating system Android 12. As before, it is …
Despite the fact that there is not much news about the Fuchsia OS, the project continues to develop, and very actively. The proof is a …
One of the building blocks of a Kotlin program is functions. A function in Kotlin defines some action. In Kotlin, a function is declared using …